Juvenile Crimes

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What are the potential penalties for a juvenile conviction (adjudication and disposition)?

Juvenile offenses in Ohio range from minor offenses to serious crimes. If your child receives adjudication and disposition (sentencing) in juvenile court, they could face any of several outcomes, including:

  • House arrest (except for school, work, community service, or counseling if ordered by the court)
  • Juvenile detention
  • Secure holding in a juvenile offender facility
  • If convicted as an adult, county jail or state prison
  • “Blended sentencing” to start in juvenile detention and transfer to an adult facility

Can the courts try a juvenile as an adult in Ohio?

Under certain circumstances, the state may try a juvenile as an adult for especially severe offenses. If a young person over the age of 16 is facing charges for murder, aggravated murder, or a felony sex offense, or if they used a firearm to commit the crime, the courts may try them as an adult.

If a young person age 14 or older is committed to a Department of Youth Services facility, the courts may also decide to try them as an adult for a serious offense. Other circumstances on a case-by-case basis may necessitate the court to try a juvenile as an adult.

Can a defendant file an appeal for a juvenile conviction?

Juvenile defendants have just as much right to file an appeal for a conviction as an adult. There is a time limit for juvenile attorneys to file an appeal, so consider if you want to retain the same juvenile crimes lawyer or if you want to retain a new attorney for the appeal.

Do juvenile defendants have the same rights as an adult in court?

While juveniles have many of the same rights as adults, one significant difference is that juveniles do not have the right to a trial by jury. Instead, their juvenile crimes attorney must present their arguments directly to a judge.

Is juvenile court a criminal court for minors?

Juvenile defendants don’t face criminal charges for offenses in juvenile court. Juvenile court is part of the civil court system. However, if tried as an adult, they will face criminal charges in a jury trial.

Should we hire a juvenile crimes lawyer for our child’s case?

Not just any Ohio criminal defense attorney is suitable to represent a child in juvenile court. Matthew C. Bangerter, an experienced juvenile crimes attorney with our firm at Fortress Law Group in Cleveland Metro, can review your child’s case and help you build a defense. Call our offices at (440) 340-1740 to schedule a case review.