Theft & Fraud

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What penalties might I face if I get a theft or fraud conviction in Ohio?

A conviction of theft, burglary, fraud or another related crime in Ohio may involve heavy penalties. It calls for assertive legal defense by a skilled theft & fraud attorney.

The offense’s classification and potential penalties will depend on how much the stolen property is worth. For instance:

Petty theft: When the property is worth under $1,000, the charge is petty theft, a misdemeanor that may lead to a fine of $1,000 and 180 days of incarceration.
Felony theft: If the property is worth between $1,000 and $7,500, convicted individuals may face a felony theft charge, with potential fines of up to $2,500 and 6-12 months in prison.
Grand theft: Stealing property worth between $7,500 and $150,000 is grand theft, a fourth-degree felony. Convicted persons may pay up to $5,000 in fines and spend up to 18 months behind bars.

What are the pros and cons of a plea deal vs. pleading not guilty in a theft or fraud criminal process?

If you believe you face wrongful theft charges, your attorney may source relevant evidence to defend you against the accusation. In other cases, a plea deal might allow you to reduce the charge from a felony to a misdemeanor and possibly even qualify for a diversion program for first-time offenders, which may help with record expungement.

Matthew C. Bangerter, an Ohio theft & fraud attorney at Fortress Law Group, can help you decide which approach to use in your legal defense and what outcome you might expect with either option.

Can I get a theft or fraud conviction expunged from my criminal record?

If you answer specific legal criteria, an experienced Ohio theft lawyer like Matthew C. Bangerter can help you get a theft or fraud conviction expunged, and your record sealed, even if you faced felony theft charges. This legal procedure, known as sealing of record, removes your conviction history from all public records. Expungement can help you start afresh and prevent past mistakes from harming your reputation, employment prospects, or housing options.

How can an Ohio criminal defense attorney help in my theft or fraud case?

Working with an experienced theft and fraud lawyer is the first step toward protecting your legal rights and minimizing penalties. Attorney Matthew C. Bangerter of Fortress Law Group, a former prosecutor with deep knowledge of DNA and forensics, knows how to choose the optimal strategies for powerful legal defense. Call his office at (440) 340-1740 in Cleveland Metro for a case review.